
(248) 370-2100


We are seeking success, growth, and overall well-being for 十大菠菜台子’s campus. 十大菠菜台子 has the structure and framework to become the Healthiest Campus for Michigan. 你今天就可以有所作为!


So our main role is to serve students with a variety of ways in academic support. That can be by way of tutoring, supplemental instruction, study groups that we help form. 我们有工作坊. We have also academic support appointments where individual students can meet with professionals to talk about some issues that they're having or different areas that they want to improve upon. We really do enjoy and focus on promoting health and well-being for our students. One of the ways that we do that is try to prepare them for their time here at OU. 这可以是他们第一年之前的数学研讨会, 鼓励他们去参加他们已经准备好的课程, 知道如何做笔记, 考试是什么样的?. 整个学期, we're encouraging them to get tutoring or come in to see a professional for an academic support meeting to address individual challenges, to help kind of reduce that stress level and maybe get them in contact with other free campus resources. 我们在威尔逊大厅1100套房. 你可以随时访问我们的网站,奥克兰.edu斜杠ASC, 这会给你所有的联系方式, 包括我们的电子邮件地址和电话号码, 我们的社交媒体, 任何适合你的方法.


At the 葛培理健康中心, we're here to take care of the 十大菠菜台子 campus community. 所以我们主要关注的是十大菠菜台子的学生. We really want to help make sure that people stay healthy or get healthy if they're not feeling well so they can do well in school. 因此,如果校园员工受伤,我们也会照顾他们, 工伤或疾病或一些预防性保健. 我们可以帮助那些感觉不舒服的学生. It could be a minor cold or allergies or it could be something more severe like influenza or COVID or any other illness that might affect their ability to do well in school. 所以我们来这里是为了帮助学生, we try to also do a lot of health education and that could be in our visits with students or any patients that we see as well as doing outreach work, 帮助教育个人, 不仅仅是如何照顾自己,还有如何获得医疗保健, which is really a skill that they'll need for the rest of their future and their life. 格雷厄姆健康中心位于梅多布鲁克路408号. 我们真的鼓励人们接受并开始使用患者门户网站. 公开大学的每个人, 只要你有访问ID, has a patient portal available to them and so we encourage people to use that. Even if you've never been seen at 葛培理健康中心, you still have a patient portal. 你可以登录,提问,发送安全信息. 它只在健康中心的工作人员和那个人之间保密. 所以你可以问一个个人健康问题, 他们脑子里想的任何事, 不管是白天还是晚上. 全天24小时都有服务. People can also call us at 248-370-2341 and leave a voicemail or if during business hours, 我们可以接您的电话. 还有我们健康中心的邮件. 奥克兰的健康.Edu是另一种方式.


主要是, the 教务长 Office supports students through any policy that impacts students in any way. 很明显, what people think about a lot is disciplinary things like student code of conduct or academic misconduct policy. 但我们做的远不止这些. 我们有一些政策,比如我们被看到的丧亲政策. We guide students through any potential difficulty they might be having on campus, whether it's something that we personally oversee in our office or connecting them to the right resource. As Director of 多样性、公平和包容, 我的工作很像教务处,是和大家联系在一起的, primarily making sure that everyone regardless of their role is seen and respected on campus. If a student is struggling with their mental health or with their physical health or academically or not feeling like they belong, 他们不会在课堂上取得成功, certainly not being able to achieve whatever academic or professional goals they have. I'm very excited to share where we're designing our website so that our students can find their student support services links and any information that you might want or that you are wondering what else we do, 我今天就不提了. 我们在奥克兰中心,150套房. 十大菠菜台子的教务长.Edu是十大菠菜台子的方式,也可以拨打我们的电话号码248-370-3352.


The purpose of the OU咨询中心 is we're the main mental health place for students on campus. We like to say we're the community mental health for the community of 十大菠菜台子. Services that we provide that positively impact the health and wellbeing on OU's campus is pretty much all of them. 我们的主要服务显然是咨询和治疗, which has a very direct impact on the mental health and wellbeing of our students. 我们也做危机管理,危机会议,咨询.(...)我们也做了很多外联工作, 我们在哪里有很多研讨会, 培训, 然后我们还有一个成熟的团体项目, 我们去年开始的. So every week there's upwards of six groups running at any given day during the week on a variety of topics. And those obviously have a very positive and direct impact on students as well. 我们位于格雷厄姆健康中心大楼. 我们在它的东翼. 十大菠菜台子的最佳方式实际上有几种不同的方式. 人们也可以直接进来十大菠菜台子. 我们接受临时访客, we have emergency hours every day of the week where people are available for a crisis.(...)所以人们可以直接来预约. 他们也可以拨打我们的主线248-370-3465. 他们也可以直接给员工发邮件. 我经常,作为主任,然后我的助理主任,博士. 桑德斯,我们经常收到教授或学生的邮件. 这是另一种联系方式. 所以来拜访,打电话,发邮件.


So the main purpose of our department is to help students with all of their financial aid questions, 我们提供奖学金和助学金, 贷款, 甚至学生就业. 我们也帮助回答任何FAFSA的问题, help them with understanding their award offer and options for paying for college. 当账单来的时候,我们也会帮助他们, work out what other financial options they may have and how payment plans work. We help with the wellbeing because we know that paying for college can be a stressful time and we try to make it the less stressful that it can be for them. We're here to help the students and their families with any questions they may have so that they're very comfortable knowing what college is going to cost and what they're going to need to pay so that when they start school, they can have a clear idea and not have anything to worry about and just be able to focus on school. We also have events throughout the year that they can attend for FAFSA workshops and other things like that. They're all on our website just so that they can be ahead of the game before classes start. 我们位于120北基金会大厅. 十大菠菜台子的最好方式是你可以亲自来, 我们总是很高兴见到你, 你可以打电话给我们, 你可以给我们发邮件, 我们做虚拟预约, 我们会回答你的问题. 不管你觉得问他们有多舒服,我们都是来帮忙的.

Click through some of the top mental health programs and services along with initiatives focused on creating a culture of well-being at 十大菠菜台子!